Official Rules
1. Please have respect towards players/ staff.
2. If you are confused about a rule, please ask the staff.
3. Do not discriminate towards players/ staff about race, religion, sex, age, language, etc.
4. Do not impersonate any players or staff.
5. Any intent to harm other players or the server, out of roleplay, this will result in a ban.
6. Avoiding punishments is forbidden.
7. Using cheats or exploits is not tolerated.
8. Do not advertise for other communities, or servers.
9. Please do not make invalid reports.
10. Do not waste staff member’s time.
1. If you share a steam account with another player/ friend. You accept the possibility that the other person could have broken the rules. You both have to abide by the punishments.
2. Your RPName must be at least three standard english characters in a row, and may not reflect other player’s or staff’s names.
3. Staff members reserve the right to use their judgment in handling sits. If a rule is not posted or unclear in the MOTD, the staff member during the sit, or the highest ranked moderator in game, will decide on a punishment.
4. Please try not to votekick, or votemute other players when there are active staff on duty in game.
5. Two wrongs do not make a right, if you see someone breaking the rules, please don’t combat it by breaking the rules yourself.
6. Staff members are not required to take sits, do not do staff reports or be rude to staff if they refuse to accept your ticket.
1. Do not spam text, or play loud/ repetitive/ annoying sounds through the voice chat system.
2. Do not use OOC, Advert, or the Ticket System for other reasons they are not intended for.
3. Please do not play any explicit material via the radios, tv, or cinema.
1. Do not roleplay in spawn.
2. You may not spam-knock on doors.
3. Do not spam sweps with sound effects.
1. Players may kill you without warning if you oppose a harm to them, their base, or their party members.
2. Raid and hits may be completed without warning.
3. In any other case, players may only be killed when warned 3 times in a row, without backing up by adverting: “Warn 1/2/3”. If the person getting warned backs up, all of the warns become void.
4. When a player is being warned, the warned player may not kill the warner unless the warner has fired 1 shot in their general direction.
5. Randomly shooting at or near a player’s base may be considered RDM.
6. Kill On Sight(KOS) Signs may only allow the killing of players for being past a certain point. KOS for actions may not be allowed.
7. KOS Signs may only pertain to the land that the owner owns. (Streets are not KOSable areas)
8. Players may only be killed when they are actively breaking the KOS terms. If a player leaves the KOS zone, they cannot be harmed.
9. Players cannot be warned if they are standing still, or you approach them.
1. Metagame is when the player uses outside knowledge to gain an advantage.
2. For example, a player may not go up to a base, then use voice chat to see which players may hear them.
1. When a player kills you, you may not return to the site of your death, or interact with that player until 120 seconds (2 minutes) has passed.
2. When a player is killed during a raid, they may not return to their base until the raid is adverted over.
1. Do not climb on props, entities, or other player-spawned items to access a base of area.
2. Do not spawn props too quickly intentionally.
3. Never spawn props inside of another player’s base without permission.
4. Any props that block a certain area of the map, or an entity are not tolerated.
5. Props can have a little bit of transparency. Just not 100% transparent. They need to be easily visible.
1. While building, players should place a building sign outside of their base, in a visible location stating they are building.
2. This sign must be at least a 40 point font.. The color of the sign may also not resemble the color of prop/ building behind it.
3. Do not build on the streets or sidewalk. Only Hobos may build on the streets/sidewalks.
Inaccessible rooftops may not be built on. They may not be made accessible via props/ entities.
4. Players may build & KOS up to the sidewalk on bases.
1. A raider must be able to enter and exit all parts of a base with a lockpick.
2. All entrances to a base must be ground level. The only exception is bases with elevated doors.
Example: (Bases with garage doors)
3. You may not have a “Blackout” or “Whiteout” base.
4. Bases may have a maximum of 3 Fading Doors.
5. Each Fading Door must have 2 keypads attached to the door, one for each side.
6. Players may have up to 4 Fading Windows which can be controlled by buttons. If a player can fit through a fading window, it will be considered as a fading door.
7. All keypads must be easily visible, and accessible and connected to a working fading door.
8. Keypads must open their assigned fading door for at least five seconds with no activation delay.
9. Fading Bridges are not allowed.
10. Anyone defending a base must be added to all of the doors in the base.
1. You are authorized to protect players that you have an RP relation with. (Same party or gang)
2. You are free to assist players that you have a RP relation with in raids or muggings. But must always advert Assist beforehand.
3. Players must be in the same party to base together.
4. These are the following ways someone can be RP Related:
5. Merchants have a RP Relation with the customer during the deal. They must advert counter to defend one-another.
6. If players are in a Party together, they may defend one another without advert.
1. Metagame is when the player uses outside knowledge to gain an advantage.
2. For example, a player may not go up to a base, then use voice chat to see which players may hear them.
1. Players may not raid any one base more than once every twenty minutes.
2. Players may not raid anyone who they have an RP Relation with.
3. Players who own or co-own the front door of a base may defend the base from a raid.
4. The base owner may not build, or use the toolgun during a raid.
5. The defender cannot lock and door nor close any door that has been opened/ lockpicked by the raiders.
6. If you’re raiding a base, anyone inside may be killed immediately.
7. Anyone within the raid district is KOS (See district map below)
8. If you leave the area mid raid, the raid will be considered over and you cannot return until the raid timer has passed.
9. A raid may not exceed 15 minutes total.
1. The front door of PD must remain unlocked at all times.
2. To raid the police department, players must advert PD Raid.
3. Criminals may steal PD Raids from one another.
4. Players inside the PD who are not assisting the PD Raid are KOS.
5. In a raid against the police department, all normal NLR rules apply to raiders, but not the PD.
6. Only Civil Protection and the Mayor can defend from a PD Raid. (Unless stated otherwise on a job’s rules)
7. A single player cannot take part in a PD raid more than once every fifteen minutes.
1. Bank raids must be adverted
2. Criminals may steal Bank Raids from one another.
3. Players inside the Bank who are not assisting the raid are KOS.
4. In a bank raid, nobody may break NLR.
5. A player may not take part in a Bank Raid once every twenty minutes.
1. Players cannot take entities from a successful raid that are being transferred.
2. Players cannot steal weapons/ goods that are being sold or traded.
1. Police are free to weapon check detained subjects.
2. Police may weapon-check a person if there is a lawful reasoning behind it.
3. Weapon-checks can be made legally standard if the Mayor makes a law stating it is.
4. Weapon-checking without permission is considered an attack, and can be defended from.
General Rules
1. By default, all classes may have guns, bases, and entities by default. (Unless stated otherwise below)
2. All classes have certain roles to fulfill and proper ways to act.
3. From this point onward, raids, muggings, and other aggressive, hostile attacks are referred to as “Hostile Actions” or “Attacks” within these rules.
Demotion Rules
1. Only people who fail to satisfy the objectives of a certain job may be demoted.
2. If a staff member is online, do not vote-demote for server rule violations. Call a sit instead. Only character breaks may account for demotion.
1. Citizens may not perform hostile actions against any other player, only defend themselves.
2. Citizens may never defend anyone outside of their party.
3. Citizens may base in private bases with entities.
1. The Mayor may be demoted for RP reasons. If the Mayor is not acting in the people’s best interest, they can be demoted.
2. Only the Mayor may build in the mayor’s office. Police can build in the PD, but the mayor has the final say on whether the PD props stay. Standard basing rules apply to the mayor’s office, 3 fading doors etc.
3. The Mayor may only make the laws, they cannot enforce them.
4. The Mayor cannot set laws that allow for server rule violations or hinder roleplay action.
5. Mayors can only impose lockdown for a maximum of ten minutes at a time. (With a ten minute cooldown)
6. The Mayor must /broadcast a reason for the lockdown when it is initiated.
7. Lawboards must be attached to walls/ buildings. They cannot be floating.
8. The Mayor can accept up to $ 50,000 for bail money.
9. The Mayor can charge up to $ 60,000 for a gun license.
10. The Mayor must have a valid reasoning for a lockdown. Example: (PD Raid, Mass Crime Spree)
1. Civil Protectors may not place hits.
2. Only warrant, want, arrest, or taze players if they violate in-game laws.
3. Seized entities must be destroyed.
4. During lockdown, all players outside are AOS.
5. Civil Protectors can defend themself and other from all Attacks, or hostile action without advert.
6. Civil Protectors must attempt arresting before killing.
7. Do not arrest players for defending themselves. Players are allowed to fight back against aggression without fear of arrest.
8. Civil Protectors may arrest anyone found past the lobby of the PD.
9. Do not build any checkpoints anywhere.
10. Do not intentionally allow or assist rule breaking.
11. Civil Protectors may not own bases or entities.
12. Civil Protectors may only raid a base with a valid warrant.
13. If there is no Mayor online, Police may only go enforce the default laws.
14. While Civil Protectors are immune to laws that prohibit them from performing their duties, they must still follow all other laws. If they fail to do so: they may be demoted.
15. When Civil Protection raid, they may only seize money from money printers, and MUST destroy money printers, or drugs. Bitminers may not have seized money, or destroyance.
1. Criminals may perform any hostile action that pertains to their job (In F4 menu)
2. Hostile actions may not be targeted at a specific player repeatedly.
3. Criminals may privately base with entities.
1. Custom Classes may perform any hostile action against other players.
2. Players may only use “Regular” sized player models when in an RP situation such as a raid.
3. Player models may not be invisible, be excessively sized, or contain explicit material.
*If staff deem your model inappropriate you may lose the privilege
4. Custom Classes fall under the same category as Thieves/ Master Thieves.
1. Terrorists and Osama Bin Laden may perform hostile actions against other players.
2. While in-character, Terrorist Members must obey Osama Bin Laden.
3. Terrorists must work together, and cannot Attack one another.
1. City Workers may not perform hostile actions against any other player, only defend themselves.
2. City Workers may base privately with entities.
3. Do not steal another City Worker's job if they have already started it.
1. Crips & Bloods are KOS to each other.
2. Crips & Bloods may perform any hostile action, to any player in the game.
3. Crips & Bloods may privately base with entities.
4. When in character, Blood/ Crip Members must listen to the Blood/Crip leader.
1. Merchants may not attack any other player, only defend themselves/ their customers.
2. Merchants may only build shops, not private bases. But they may own entities.
3. Merchants may only party with other Merchants, and Security Guards.
4. Merchants may buy items for personal use.
5. Merchants have the right to refuse service.
1. Hitmen cannot attack other players. They may only complete their hits.
2. Hitmen may not place hits, nor suggest a target to a customer.
3. Hitmen cannot do “side-hits”, they may only do hits through the Official DarkRP System.
4. Hitmen can raid, mug, and kidnap if the victim is their hit target.
5. Civil Protection cannot place hits.
1. Meth Cooks may not Attack any other player, only defend themselves.
2. Meth Cooks may base privately with entities.
1. Guards cannot perform Hostile actions towards other players.
2. Guards may protect themselves, and their employer without advert.
3. Guards may be hired by and job (Excluding CP + Mayor), to protect themselves and their party members.
4. Guards may only base with their employer.
5. Guards must be in a party with their employer.
1. When in-character, Hobos must obey the Hobo King.
2. Hobos may only build on the sidewalk. They cannot build on the streets, or other people’s property.
3. Hobos may not own weapons, doors, or entities.
4. Hobos are the only class that can micspam.
5. Hobos may not have any Fading Doors.
6. Hobos can be killed if they are KOS, or Warned 3 times.
7. Hobos cannot be mugged, kidnapped, or arrested.
1. Goofy Jobs may not perform any hostile actions.
2. Goofy Jobs may not base privately with entities